Setting goals a leading indicator for success

This week we close out a decade.

We leave the awkward sounding “Twenty Teens” and head into the ’20s. 2020 feels like the beginning of an era of optimism. 20/20 vision is perfect vision, after all. And taking that vision theme into the realm of our community — 2020 is an important year.

Locally, we will choose a mayor and city commission. Our capacity to lead is largely dictated by the men and women who serve on the board of commissioners. It is an accepted norm that leadership matters. Leadership sets the tone of a community, represents what the community values and looks for ways to accomplish goals and keep us heading in the right direction. And hopefully, that direction remains forward.

But moving forward is impossible to do without articulated goals. Recently at a Chamber event, Bracken Darrell, CEO of Logitech, a leader who is globally respected for his business acumen and innovation, discussed the importance of goals. He shared his experience of friendships or mentor relationships with people who are global leaders in their area. And consistently, those highly successful individuals closed out every year with a review of the past year — almost like an examination of conscience— and then set their goals for the following year.

Successful organizations do this. Reflecting at year’s end and giving a realistic report card keeps a business or organization on its toes with an eye toward constant improvement. At the Chamber, our year-end assessments always offer moments of joy when we think of successes. But we are always left with areas where we know we can do better.

This translates to each of us and can be applied to our personal and spiritual lives, our work lives and our lives as citizens.

When the world outside of our community tends to seem hectic or problems insurmountable, the phrase “tend your garden” echos not only as a challenge — but as a comfort.

Over the next few days, let’s challenge ourselves to be still. To consider how we want 2020 to look not only in our homes, but in our schools, our churches, our community. And then, let’s figure how we can each roll up our sleeves and make that happen.

In closing, the Chamber staff would like to thank the Messenger-Inquirer for allowing us the opportunity to write this column. And we would like to thank our members for investing in our work. We feel blessed to serve such a vibrant membership and a community that is not only generous, but on the move. Happy New Year.