Showing leadership, giving grace through adverse times

Last Thursday, the 2021 Leadership Owensboro Class celebrated their last class session and their graduation

It was later than we usually celebrate. Due to restrictions throughout the year, we adapted our schedule to be able to have our last few sessions in person.

It was challenging to say the least. Challenging for the class members, but also for the staff and volunteers that work so hard to create an experience that the class deserves.

The year in itself was an exercise in leadership. We all know that Zoom meetings are just not the same as in person. Although there are some who now enjoy virtual meetings over face-to-face, when you are in the people business like we are at the Chamber, you derive energy and creativity and fulfillment from being with the people you are serving.

And the class continued to shine at every turn. They offered grace to our staff who had to work extra hours to host virtual presentations and adapt everything at the last-minute, time and time again, when rules and regulations abruptly changed. They sent notes of encouragement and gratitude to a team who was at times frazzled and frequently overworked. Those notes kept our team going.

The class gelled in their groups and made closer bonds in those small groups than previous classes. A result was that the class projects were, quite possibly, the best we have ever had — with each project being sustainable and needed in the community. The project selected to implement was “Keep Owensboro Beautiful,” which is an initiative to clean up neighborhoods and roadside litter, engage recycling efforts and beautify community space. The other projects — every one of them — will continue and will each fill a void in its own particular area.

The Leadership Owensboro Class of 2021 graduates leave an indelible mark on our hearts at the Chamber.

Yes, it was a year like no other. But like everything else throughout the world in the past 15 months, everyone did their best to give their best. And that resiliency is a powerful quality. Watch out for these individuals, because they are certainly giving their best back to the community.

By: Candance Castlen Brake President and CEO Greater Owensboro Chamber of Commerce  Messenger- Inquirer