
Volunteer Committees

Our volunteers are critical to the success of the Greater Owensboro Chamber of Commerce. Our committees assist in prioritizing, planning, and coordinating much of the Chamber’s initiatives each year.

Join a committee today to further your interests, be informed on topics affecting our businesses and communities, and make new business connections. Our committees typically meet once per month during the lunch hour at the Chamber office.

Advocacy Committee: The Advocacy Committee develops programs to promote a pro-business and pro-Owensboro position on policy and projects in local, state, and federal government. As the leader of our legislative efforts, the Advocacy Committee also guides an important GO VOTE! campaign, plans our annual Red, White and Blue event and works with our elected officials to build community priorities and programs.                                                   

Chamber Ambassadors: Chamber Ambassadors serve as a core group to assist in recruiting and retaining members. They assist with many tasks including ribbon cuttings, serving as greeters and visiting with Chamber members at Rooster Booster and many other Chamber events. This group is a great way for members to be active in the Chamber and make business-to-business connections.

Member Services Committee: The Member Services Committee works to create opportunities and advance the success of small businesses in Owensboro through programs such as Small Business Saturday’s “Shop Owensboro,” training programs, and the annual Business of the Year Awards.

Agriculture Committee: This group is responsible for lifting the profile of the agricultural contribution to our Greater Owensboro economy through programs such as the Annual Farm-City Breakfast and the Agribusiness Tour.

We encourage you to watch the calendar and attend a committee meeting of interest and then join in!