Owensboro’s spirit encourages us to put our best foot forward

This time of year sometimes makes us feel a bit more tired than usual. And every year, I wonder how that can be. Shouldn’t we all have more energy? It is summer. The children are out of school. College students are back in town. We get to stay outside later because the days are longer. And then I realize that is why we feel tired. Hazy lazy days do not wait for those who are working. So, we all just keep going, having fun, staying up later and then we deal with exhaustion!

This Thursday’s Rooster Booster started with a fog advisory. We always worry about weather on Rooster Booster mornings. Thunderstorms, snow storms and ice can always impact our attendance. So when I drove to the Convention Center early Thursday morning and the cloud was hanging in the middle of Parrish Avenue, I was concerned that our crowd would decide to stay home.

As 7 a.m. passed, the room started to fill with friendly faces, and by the time 7:30 a.m. hit, the room was full with well over 350 people.

Renee Shaw, our guest speaker from KET, spoke to us about KET’s role in the state over the past 50 years and where it is headed in the future. Her message was upbeat, and it reminded us how important KET is to our state and to our communities across the commonwealth. It was obvious that Shaw is on her way to becoming a treasure herself. In her 20-plus year career she has garnered a reputation of journalist excellence, unparalleled work ethic and unimpeachable integrity. It was an honor to host her.

In the 50th anniversary video Shaw showed our audience, an audio voice from one of the programs stated, “if these United States can be called a body, Kentucky can be called its heart.” That line struck me as I immediately agreed and realized that I considered that a fact. It made me realize what tremendous pride I have in being a Kentuckian. I am tied to this place not just physically because of my home, my family and my ancestry. I am tied to this place because of its people and because of an essence that I cannot explain.

As the video went on, and I looked out into crowd of engaged and smiling faces early on a Thursday morning in August, behind them and through the windows was the Blue Bridge fronted by fog capturing the sun.

No matter how long the days may be, in Owensboro there is a spirit to put its best foot forward. And to always keep on.

By Candance Brake President and CEO, Greater Owensboro Chamber of Commerce